How to Find the Best Digital Marketing Consultant for your Business?

Jiten Thakkar
5 min readJan 11, 2021


Finding the best Digital Marketing Consultant/Professional

If you’re looking for a digital marketing strategy consultant, you are probably an entrepreneur or a CEO., which means that you have and you can do a lot. Then why is there a need to hire the best digital marketing consultant? The answer to that is the pace with which our life is going digital; only those of us would succeed who always know what’s going on around us. The trends, different social media platforms, and how to use them. That is where a digital marketing consultancy in Mumbai comes into play. They keep up with the world for you, help attract customers towards your business, and generate more revenue.

There are so many aspects of digital marketing, like:

  • Social media marketing
  • SEO
  • Email marketing
  • Google advertisements
  • Market research

Then how do you find the best digital marketing consultancy in Mumbai? We shortlisted things you should look out for before hiring a consultant.



You will never succeed unless you know about your needs. So the first thing you should do while searching for a consultant is to research for the services you want; for example, is it social media marketing you need or email and social media? You could even need a lot more services. This way, you would know what a consultant should be able to provide.

Now you need to see if your business already has it or not? If yes, then where is it lacking? All of these questions help you understand your needs better.


Analyzing your budget is a very crucial step because it helps you plan accordingly. When you have an idea of your needs, you can also see what is essential and what can be postponed? But you should not invest in cheaper services so that you could get it all. This will result in more damage than good.

One more thing to keep in mind is your product quality? Is it good enough to spend so much on its promotion, or do you need to spend on your product quality first? After this, you can start searching for a digital marketing strategy consultant.


With a budget and requirement in mind now, you can now start searching the market and shortlist the candidates. The higher number of services you want, the harder it is to find a consultant who knows it all. Most of them are specialized in a single skill set.

You could hire different people for different marketing, or you could get in touch with an agency. An agency or a digital marketing consultancy in Mumbai consists of many people with different skills all in one place. Therefore, it’s easier to manage rather than taking reports from different marketers.


In an ideal scenario, you want to find a digital marketing strategy consultant who not only knows what he is talking about but is also able to deliver the same service. You need to find someone who works differently from others because what’s the point if they can’t make your business stand out from others. Different is what people love, and so you should want to promote your business differently.

One way to look into this is to see the progress of companies or businesses they’re currently working with or have worked with; in the past.


Every professional consultant has a portfolio, but what should you be looking for in a portfolio? There are several things to focus on. First and foremost, the area of expertise of the consultant. This should reflect naturally with the type of projects they take and whether it matches the area you need consultancy. Check out the size of businesses they worked with and the results they brought with their skills. If possible, contact their previous employers and check their progress with them.


All the consultants claim that they are best at what they do, but not many can stay true to their word. So it is upon you to get proof and figure out if they can deliver the claimed results.

Find reviews, testimonials, and recommendation letters from their previous clients. These reviews give you the perfect insight into their credibility and tell you what they are capable of. Talk to them directly and ask them questions regarding the field and evaluate their expertise and credibility from their answers. You want to hire the best digital marketing consultant who would own your brand and not just work for it.


Customer service is what leaves a permanent mark. You may not remember the service they availed, but you will remember how the service provider treated you. Customer service is what retains the clients.

If you own a business, you would want long term digital marketing, which means you would always need a digital marketing strategy consultant. If a consultant is good, the chances are that their clients keep going back to them. Therefore, look out for such consultants who have a higher client retention rate.


With the ever-increasing trends and advancements in the digital market, it is nearly impossible for you to keep yourself updated. Even if you manage to do so, you won’t have the time to implement them into your business strategies. Getting the best digital marketing consultant takes this off your head while also increasing your sales and conversion.

A good digital marketing strategy consultant should be able to achieve the above mentioned for you. Their campaign strategies should be practical and something to which viewers feel a connection and become your customers. When you are in this industry, you need to be one step above your competitors to succeed.


Finding the best digital marketing consultant requires extensive research but once you find a good one, try to get into a long-term contract. This is because you will need to market your business digitally as long as you work and need to keep a check on them. After all, it is your brand, and only you would be able to portray the vision in the best way.



Jiten Thakkar

Founder @LocalForever - Passionate Digital Marketer & Sales Specialist.